Are you seeing
Your Customer starts their eCommerce journey by searching!
Do they click on an item?
Or maybe they click on an advertisement...
In our our honest opinion, you should be focusing on high-level strategy.
Your account managers should be focusing on producing sales.
Now you have to HIRE a sales person that is also a computer wizard!
Amazon alone is a full time job of marketing updates, A+ page cleanup, purchase order assistance, chargeback followup. XYZ.
You're probably a National Accounts Manager, or maybe a Director of Sales or CEO.
you're doing a quick and dirty product introduction, hopefully building confidence in the purchase, and moving on to an easy checkout process.
This is only the beginning. Sales & Marketing. Our Job is to get your product to your customers hands.
There are no secrets here! We continuously push for a wider funnel. We keep the top as wide as possible!
In eCommerce, that means keeping your catalog in pristine condition. Have a new product line? We set them up! Have some rolling changes on packaging? We update them.
For No Additional Charge we manage and optimize your AMS campaigns (ads).
This is mutually beneficial because we don't want to get paid for poor ad performance!
We get paid for SELLING!
Something that most people in your position forget...
Your customers are human!
You've got about 20 seconds to make a first impression.
When someone visits your product page on Amazon, the goal is establishing as much trust as possible in the shortest amount of time.
You want to make sure they get it as quickly as possible.
Does the product solve their needs?
Hopefully YES. But how long does it take to understand this?
This is how we move through the middle of the funnel
How is your cut rate?
And your lead time?
Forecasting and EDI systems in place?
Like a doctor for operations we push for better fill rates because they keep your inventory in tip top shape! Want people to buy your items?
They NEED to be in stock!
This is the bottom of the funnel.